Members Only Website


Clan Johnston/e Members can now enjoy the following features and benefits on this exclusive website:

  • Purchase Clan related merchandise from our new online store where members enjoy a 10% discount.
  • Join or renew your membership online.
  • Maintain your own Clan Johnston/e member profile and login password.
  • Search our member directory for fellow Clan Johnston/e members (Coming Soon).
  • Learn about our Clan history and traditions.
  • View a complete calendar of upcoming events.
  • Volunteer to support Clan Johnston/e events and activities (e.g. Genealogy Committee, Social Media Support, Tent Hosting, Council Projects, etc.).
  • Benefit from an extensive collection of support materials for highland games tent hosting.
  • Participate in online forums covering a variety of topics.
  • Apply for scholarships and grants for the study of the Scottish Arts including dance, music, and language.
  • Donate to various Clan Johnston/e programs (e.g. The Billye Tellinger and Diane Coblentz Fund, The Clan Johnston/e Arts and Culture Scholarship Program, and the Culloden Battlefield Fundraising Project).
  • Have access to a library of reference materials in support of your genealogy research.
  • Upload and share Clan Johnston/e member pedigrees and GEDCOM files (coming soon).
  • Participate in DNA research studies.
  • Get to know your Council of Officers and understand their roles and responsibilities.
  • Contact your State and Regional Commissioners.
  • Access an extensive library of Spur & Phoenix newsletters spanning over 40 years.

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